"If, by some strange convergence of the force, you have been able to combine your creative talents with a level of business acumen necessary to sustain it, do not forget about that creativity. That tap is a well from which you can always draw. Yet, to leave those well waters stagnant, is to neglect your sustaining abilities. The more you draw from that well, the more clear, and refreshing it will be. If you neglect to think yourself, and use other people's ideas for great imagery, giving them utterance only, you will fall far short of your own abilities, and what you are capable of."
~adapted from George Augustus Sala (1828 - 1895), Journalist
Also, thanks to Mark Ippolito with Digital Railroad for again featuring me in their Blog. View Blog here. I greatly appreciate his insight and understanding in that my work should be constantly blatantly promoted to achieve complete and total world domination.
See you in July!