HotWire had the opportunity to play at the recent American Cancer Society/Maryland Relay for Life. We donated our good vibes for the cause because that's just how we roll. Feeling good, we came to play and spread the love. Perhaps my overuse of Wah-Wah and Fuzz Pedal angered the Gods of Moderation. Shortly after our first smoking set of rocking hard blues we were rained out by a quickly building violent super-massive Thunderhead (pictured below) rapidly approaching the fairgrounds, seemingly headed straight towards the bandstand and my cranked Blackface Bassman. But, not all was lost, any day you get to play outdoors with your friends is a good day. And, it's most certainly not the first time I have angered the Gods of Moderation.
(click images to enlarge)

Gods of Moderation? Pissed them off years ago.
Who's behind the lens snapping you?
I know this to be true. We have worshiped together many times at the Temple of Excess.
My Brother David took the one of me.
Dude- Thank thundercloud looks SCAWWY!
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